Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do you ever...

I time everything. I just recently realized this.

This morning, I set my alarm for 7:50AM knowing that I really didn't need to get out of bed until eight. After I took a shower, I looked at the clock and told myself you've got however many minutes between now and 8:20 to surf the internet. So within that time, I drank my coffee and sat. After that, I knew it would take about five minutes to do my hair and makeup, seven or so to get dressed, and then leave for work after that. Everything was perfectly portioned.

Then I lost my eyelash curler.

But that's not what I'm writing about.

When I'm trying to decide to do something ("should I make flowers?" "should I watch another episode of Arrested Development?") I always wait until the half hour or the end of an episode...

I just realized how strange I sound. Its just quirky.

Danielle took this shot while we were shooting a wedding. It was my first time holding a real bouquet.

The bride just handed it to me and said, "see you in a bit." I felt like I was on a mission. Keep it secret, keep it safe.

And this is a little more candid. I was probably thinking about love, or something. :)

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